Health system resilience

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What is Health system resilience at AstraZeneca?

We contribute to strengthening health systems by advocating for health system reform and policy; building capabilities to address unmet medical need, improve access to quality healthcare and provide solutions along a continuum of care - from prevention, awareness, diagnosis, treatment to post-treatment and wellness; and committing to disaster relief, grants and donations.

Our approach

Sustainable healthcare for all requires investment in strengthening health systems, to deliver an infrastructure designed to be responsive to the needs of the population it serves. Each of our Access to healthcare focus areas aims to contribute to health system resilience. We are investing in ground-breaking global collaborations, company initiatives, local partnerships and fast-tracked innovation to give access to higher quality healthcare for more people worldwide.

Specific activities include:

  • Improving preparedness for future shocks and enhancing international coordination on key processes such as scenario planning, response protocols and reserve capacities
  • Optimising the location and focus of patient care through digital technologies
  • Addressing the social, economic, and ecological costs of disease through targeted prevention measures 
  • Improving the effectiveness of care for chronic diseases through defining, implementing, and monitoring improved quality of care standards 
  • Working with stakeholders on multi-sector prevention and control measures that are optimised to address risk factors and local challenges, while leveraging our experience in health programming 

We aim to build the capabilities of healthcare systems to best respond to patient needs by:

  • Ensuring programming is locally and culturally appropriate 
  • Using our global footprint to scale partnerships and collaborations 
  • Establishing mechanisms for collaboration with our partners, for example through joint coordination, planning, follow up and agreement to a set of core indicators for monitoring and evaluation 

Our stories

Working towards our target of 50 million people reached by 2025 
Our programme teams work in collaboration with local and global stakeholders and implementing partners to strengthen and protect health systems. They offer training to healthcare providers, promote health education and awareness-raising activities, and facilitate access to treatment where appropriate. 

Healthy Heart Africa (HHA)
Young Health Programme (YHP)
Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience (PHSSR)